Water Care
We provide a wide selection of water care products for all of your spa needs. We proudly carry great quality selections from Spa Essentials, Guardex and Coast Spas.

Spa Essentials
For more than 50 years, Spa Essentials has relied upon a strong distribution network, manufacturing efficiency, superior product quality and top notch customer service to deliver an outstanding value for today’s discriminating pool or spa owner.

The “Less to Do, More to Enjoy” Spa Care System
Now, there’s an even easier way to keep your spa in perfect shape. With the Spa Synergy System, you can have it all. You’ll spend less time on maintenance of your spa, while achieving the ultimate result: great looking and feeling water.
Less to Do
The Spa Synergy System consists of three products and requires only five minutes a week to maintain comfortable, crystal-clear water. The Spa Synergy Initiator is the foundation of the system, Spa Synergy Tabs keep water safe and the Spa Synergy Clear gives it that sparkle you strive for.
More to Enjoy
With Spa Synergy’s patented products working together, not only does spa water look fantastic, it feels great as well. The Spa Synergy Initiator creates water that feels soft and silky smooth, and makes every soak in your tub an enjoyable experience – we guarantee it.
A new bromine-based system that begins with Super Soft. As a spa owner, you know that a Complete Maintenance System is the medicine for your tub. Just a couple of steps, once a week, keeps your water clean, clear and soft.
Super Soft
A unique, near-neutral pH formula, Super Soft® creates softer-feeling water with more stable balance. A special corrosion-inhibiting feature helps extend heater life, while buffer-like qualities reduce spa maintenance work.
- Minimized maintenances
- Sparkling clear spa water
- Reduced eye and skin irritation
- Reduced operating costs
Spa Shock
This granular shock treatment for spas and hot tubs removes unwanted organic compounds and restores water sparkle. It comes in pre-measured pouches for convenient and accurate use.
- Easy to use
- Won’t cloud water
- pH neutral for easier use
Brominating Tablets
Totally soluble compressed 1″ tablets provide long-lasting sanitizing protection and offer an alternative to traditional chlorine products. Designed for use in brominators or floaters, this bromine product controls bacteria so water is safer.
- Reduced odour
- Won’t cloud water
- No residue
With the simple Spa Essentials Bromine System, it only takes a few moments a week to keep your spa comfortable, inviting and protected. Whether you use your spa daily or occasionally, your Guardex dealer will help you create the right system for your spa.
Brominating Concentrate
An easy-to-use, one-step granular sanitizer and oxidizer, Brominating Concentrate dissolves quickly and completely to establish a sanitizer level in water.
- Won’t upset pH balance
- Reduced odour
- No residue
- No feeder required
Brominating Tablets
Totally soluble compressed 1″ tablets provide long-lasting sanitizing protection and offer an alternative to traditional chlorine products. Designed for use in brominators or floaters, this bromine product kills and controls bacteria so water is safer.
- Reduced odour
- Won’t cloud water
- No residue
Spa Sanitizer
The granular formula dissolves rapidly and completely. With 35% available chlorine for regular sanitizing and oxidizing, this easy-to-use product will not support combustion.
- Won’t cloud water
- Safer use
Spa Shock
This granular shock treatment for spas and hot tubs removes unwanted organic compounds and restores water sparkle. It comes in pre-measured pouches for convenient and accurate use.
- Easy to use
- Won’t cloud water
- pH neutral for easier use
pH Anchor®
The easy-to-use liquid formula stabilizes pH and total alkalinity, while softening water and eliminating the need for other balancing products. Should be used weekly.
- Simplifies water balancing
- Eliminates potential scaling problems
- Encourages clearer water
- Improves comfort
- Reduces scum-line build-up
pH Increaser
Convenient premium granular product dissolves quickly to raise spa pH levels.
- Won’t cloud water
pH Decreaser
Premium-grade granular dry acid lowers pH levels to provide proper water balance.
- Safer to handle than liquid acids
- More accurate measurement
Alkalinity Increaser
This premium quick-dissolving powder raises alkalinity levels to protect your water from sudden changes in pH.
- Easy to use
- Won’t cloud water
Calcium Hardness Increaser
The granular formula increases the calcium hardness of water to help prevent corrosion of spa equipment and surface.
- Easy to use
Stain & Scale Control
Easy to apply, this chlorine- and-bromine-tolerant liquid formula prevents staining from dissolved metals, including iron, copper, and manganese. A chelating agent prevents scale formations from excess calcium in the water.
- Prevents costly scaling
- Prevents staining
- Protects equipment
Start-Up Kit
Perfect for new spa owners, this kit includes many great products to get a spa “up and running” fast.
3-in-1 Cover Cleaner
The powerful multi-functional formula quickly cleans, polishes, protects and prolongs the life of spa covers.
- Fast acting
- Removes stubborn soil
- Restores lustre
- Deodorizes and removes mould smells
Surface Cleaner
This cleaner clings to vertical surfaces, effectively removing oil, dirt and debris from all spa surfaces without scratching the finish.
- Protects spa surface
- Removes scale build-up
An easy-to-use liquid formula that quickly eliminates and prevents foaming in spa water for immediate results.
- Fast acting
- Easy to use
Filter Cleaner
A powerful product, Filter Cleaner works fast to remove oil, grease, rust, scales and other debris to enhance filtration and improve water clarity. Regular use of Spa Essentials Filter Cleaner keeps filters clean and operating properly. Comes in convenient pre-measured pouches.
- Minimizes maintenance costs
Water Clarifier
This easy-to-use liquid formula makes water sparkle and improves filter efficiency by helping collect floating particles.
- Won’t affect water balance
- Produces sparkling water
Enzyme Cleaner
This 100% natural enzyme cleaner breaks down oil and grease in the water. Regular use prevents waterline build-up and keeps water clear. The non-toxic hypo-allergenic formula can be added when the spa is in use and will not irritate eyes or skin.
- More effective than manufactured enzymes
- Non-toxic and hypo-allergenic
- Environmentally friendly
- Compatible with all spa sanitizers
- Won’t affect water balance
Super Soft®
A unique, near-neutral pH formula, Super Soft® creates softer-feeling water with more stable balance. A special corrosion-inhibiting feature helps extend heater life, while buffer-like qualities reduce spa maintenance work.
- Minimized maintenance
- Sparkling clear spa water
- Reduced eye and skin irritation
- Reduced operating costs
Water care can be as easy as A B C. Enjoy water that’s always beautifully clear simply by following three simple steps:
A. Algicide
Use No Green Algaecide® once a week.
- Prevents unsightly algae growth
- Reduces costly repairs and cleanup of algae problems
- Maintains clear water
- Makes bactericide more effective
B. Bactericide
Add Advantage Pucks®, Tru Blue Chlorinating Sticks® or HydroBrome Brominating Tablets® when needed. Use test strips to maintain an adequate level of bactericide (also called sanitizer).
- Keeps water clean and safe
- Kills bacteria 24 hours a day
C. Clarifying Shock
Add Shimmer® once a week.
- Removes organic wastes
- Improves water comfort
- Makes water sparkle

Guardex 4-in-1 test kits make it quick, easy, and economical to monitor your swimming pool’s water quality. Find the test kits and reagents you need here!

With today’s demands on time and energy, shouldn’t everything about your pool be relaxing? Discover a truly simple solution that keeps your pool in perfect shape – Synergy®. The specially formulated Synergy® products work together to achieve cleaner, clearer water with less work. Synergy® requires minimal products and time to keep sparkling clear water.
Advantage 1: Less to buy.
Your Synergy System Kit comes complete with everything you need – in one handy box instead of the usual assortment of buckets, bottles and bags of chemicals. We’ve thought of everything, right down to test strips that test sanitizer and pH levels in seconds. Just dip a strip and read.
Advantage 2: Less to do.
There’s also less work with Synergy®. For complete pool care, you only apply two products once a week for maintenance after preparing your pool with the annual Synergy Initiator™ treatment. The two-part Synergy System – perfectly proportioned with no weighing and measuring – consists of two simple parts: Synergy Tabs® to keep water safe and clean and Synergy Clear® to keep it sparkling. Synergy means less work in less time for you.
Advantage 3: More to enjoy.
With less to buy and less to do, there’s more to enjoy. You’ll experience a clearer, trouble-free pool and that means more enjoyment for you. After all, your pool was meant to be a pleasure. With Synergy®, it will be.
Water care can be as easy as A B C. Enjoy water that’s always beautifully clear simply by following three simple steps:
A. Algicide
Use No Green Algaecide® once a week.
- Prevents unsightly algae growth
- Reduces costly repairs and cleanup of algae problems
- Maintains clear water
- Makes bactericide more effective
B. Bactericide
Add Advantage Pucks®, Tru Blue Chlorinating Sticks® or HydroBrome Brominating Tablets® when needed. Use test strips to maintain an adequate level of bactericide (also called sanitizer).
- Keeps water clean and safe
- Kills bacteria 24 hours a day
C. Clarifying Shock
Add Shimmer® once a week.
- Removes organic wastes
- Improves water comfort
- Makes water sparkle
Unbalanced water can result in eye and skin irritation, damaged pool surfaces and costly equipment repairs. These problems are easily avoided with properly used quality Guardex products.
Super Soft®
This pH neutral water enhancer is easy to apply and makes water feel soft and silky. Once added to your pool, Super Soft® stays as long as the water remains. Can be used in bromine and chlorine pools.
- More comfortable water
- Longer swim time
- Reduced maintenance
- Longer filter runs
- Easy application
Sunshield® chlorine stabilizer
Sunshield® prevents chlorine loss resulting from sun, while leaving no residue. A 100% cyanuric acid stabilizer.
- Saves money by keeping chlorine in water longer
- Completely soluble
- Non-biodegradable
- Won’t cloud water
- Won’t dissipate
- No trace metals
Granular formula pHD® slowly lowers the pH of pool water. Safer to use and store than liquid acids.
- Accurate measuring
- Safe
This convenient, completely soluble granular formula product raises the pH of pool water with minimal effect on overall alkalinity.
- Won’t cloud water
- No trace metals
Total “A”®
Safe, easy-to-use granular product raises total alkalinity and acts as a buffer to prevent ‘pH bounce’, staining and corrosion.
- Convenient
- Prevents pool damage
Hy-Cal® raises calcium hardness of pool water to aid in the prevention of corrosion, etched plaster and other problems resulting from low calcium hardness.
- No trace metals
- Environmentally friendly
Clarifying Tablets
Guardex Clarifying tabs are simple to use and a highly effective water clarifier. Just add the tablets to your skimmer and let the pool do the work.
- Easy to use
- Skimmer application
- For use in sand filters ONLY
- Do NOT use if your pool is equipped with a cartridge or D.E. filter
Super Clarity®
A highly concentrated liquid, Super Clarity® makes water sparkle without affecting water pH. No dilution is required.
- Easy to use
- Reduces downtime
- No balance adjustments necessary
Super-Floc restores water sparkle by dropping suspended particles to the bottom of the pool to be vacuumed out. This product is excellent for use in pools that have very cloudy water.
For use with all filter types, this product aids in the removal of small particles and dissolved metals to keep water clear and sparkling. Works well with Super Clarity® for fast clean-up.
- Doesn’t affect pool pH
- Traps tiny particles
- Restores water sparkle
- Improves filter efficiency
One-Step Filter Cleaner
The dual-action cleaner effectively removes scales and oil, and restores efficiency to all types of filters.
- Better filtration and circulation
- Reduces operating costs
Pool Solutions
Eliminate water line ring and keep water clean with Pool Solutions. This all-natural enzyme with citrus breaks down greases and oils in pool water and equipment.
- Better filtration and circulation
- Reduces operating costs
- Improves water quality
Pool Surface Cleaner
The concentrated, non-abrasive, multipurpose cleaner quickly eliminates oil, grease, light scale and fresh stains along the waterline. Pool Surface Cleaner comes in a convenient spray pump bottle and suits all pool types.
- Fast clean-up
- Easy application
- Doesn’t affect water chemistry
Blanket Cleaner
The powerful liquid cleaner extends the life of your winter or solar cover by aiding in stain and soil removal, controlling mildew and eliminating unpleasant odours. May also be used on pool umbrellas and other poolside items.
- Easy to use
- Doesn’t affect water chemistry
- Prolongs cover life
- Reduces sticking when folding
Crystal Guard®
Protect your heater and extend its life. Crystal Guard®’s granular formula coats metal to provide concentrated protection against scale, rust and corrosion in pipes, filters, heaters, pumps and other equipment.
- Prevents stains
- Prolongs equipment life
Winter can be tough on a pool. Algae and other problems can start even in cold weather, making spring opening messy and expensive. You can protect your pool and make spring start-up quick and easy by winterizing properly and using WinterGuard® closing products. WinterGuard® products are designed to keep your pool water clean and clear throughout the cold months.
Keep in mind that proper winterization involves more than just the addition of some products. Follow the steps below to make sure your pool is well protected all season long.
1. Balance the Pool Water
Take a sample of your pool water to your local Guardex Dealer for expert advice on water balance. If needed, adjust the pH to between 7.6 and 7.8, and make sure the other balance factors are in their proper range.
2. Winter Cleaning
Brush the walls and bottom of the pool. Vacuum if needed. Clean along the waterline and around pool surfaces with Guardex Pool Surface Cleaner. Note: Do not use household cleaners. Some may cause algae and most are incompatible with pool surfaces and water.
At this point, you can clean out the skimmer and hair and lint trap. Backwash your filter and use Guardex One-Step Filter Cleaner to remove oils and grease. Make sure your filter is in good repair before continuing.
3. Add WinterGuard® products
Add WinterGuard® Shock to your pool. Scatter the product evenly over the pool surface. The shock should dissolve completely when added, but use your pool brush to mix up any product that settles at the bottom. Add WinterGuard® Algicide to the pool by applying the product around the edges of the pool. Make sure the pool pump is operating to distribute both products evenly through the water.
4. Prepare your equipment
Consult with your Guardex Dealer about proper winterization for your pool equipment. This may involve partial draining, plugging lines and equipment removal and storage. It is important to use a pool-grade antifreeze to protect your pool lines and equipment. Do not use automotive antifreeze %u2013 it is toxic.
5. Cover the pool
A well-designed cover will keep your pool protected and free of leaves, dirt and other debris during the winter months. Solid covers should be free of holes and held in place securely by water tubes or cables. Add about 2 inches of water to the top of the cover to help hold it in place. Mesh covers can also be used, but will allow rain and some material to enter the pool during the winter.
If you use a mesh cover: Apply an additional treatment of WinterGuard® Shock and WinterGuard® Algicide about halfway through the winter to help keep the water clean and free of algae.